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iP-Solutions Simulator model comparison table

Simulator model (examples, more available) Model Functions Description
Simceiver A2-R2-Q4-U2 Simulation, playback of recorded signals. Differential output. Two RF channels. Academic model, mid level
Replicator A1-R4-Q8-U3 High qualituy,  all GNSS in L- and S- band supported. Standard ,high -end model
Replicator A2D-R6-Q14-U3 Differential output. Extended power dynamic range and resolution. All GNSS. Top performance
Ninja A6D-R6W-Q14-U3 Up to 8 RF outputs.  CRPA

Model legend: Ax-Rx-Qx-Ux : Number of RF outputs - number of simultaneously available RF frequencies - Signal resolution -  typr of computer interface


Up to 10 GNSS signals at the same time.

iP-SOlutions, GNSS RF simulator

Download datasheet

GPS simulation

Six Pegasus RF cards

iP-SOlutions, GNSS RF simulator card

Replicator CRPA model

Up to 6 vehicles/antennas with up to 7 GNSS signals at the same time.

Six Pegasus RF cards

iP-SOlutions, GNSS RF simulator card

Replicator CRPA model with PORTOS CRPA front end

iP-SOlutions, Japan GNSS, GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo multi system, dual frequency RF simulator,recorder,playback Replicator  test with U-Blox GPS receiver

Ionospheric models include NAVIC grid model now

iP-SOlutions, NAVIC simulaton
The Replicator™

a multi-frequency, multi-system GNSS simulator for advanced R&D, equipment testing and education,

it can also playback recorded with PORTOS.

Some of the advantages

1. User defined models with ANSI C Model API.

2. User defined additional signals with ANSI C Signal API.

3. GNSS signal analysis


1) Replicator™ 19 inch rack mount hardware ,

2) ReGen™ control software ,

3) Optional ARAMIS™ software receiver for signal analysis.

The Replicator™ is a result of our 7-year work for and collaboration with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA).

iP-SOlutions, Japan GNSS, GPS, GLONASS, BeiDou, Galileo multi system, dual frequency RF simulator,recorder,playback

The ReGen™ is a control center software for multi-frequency, multi-system GNSS simulator. It is intended for advanced R&D, equipment testing and education.

iP-SOlutions, Japan GNSS, Reference Station Receiver Data Generator allows to generate raw data and then RF signals for up to four locations with spatially correlated models.

- Comprehensive simulation models including atmosphere, multipath etc.(see ReGen data sheet)

- Signal analysis.

- Simulated signals can be stored in digitized format , analysed by a MATLAB software receiver and played back as RF at any time.

Reference Station Receiver Data Generator allows to generate raw data and then RF signals for up to four locations with spatially correlated models. The signals can be played back as RF signals. This option is useful for RTK, VRS or LAAS simulation.

Power control

Real-time 30 dB

Resolution 0.5 dB


RF IN N female,

USB Bi-directional to Host PC

Trigger, 1 PPS IN, OUT Yes

External clock IN, OUT


Code phase less than ±1 cm RMS

Carrier phase less than ±1 mm RMS

Time base OCXO option

Aging ±2 ppb/day

Stability ±10 ppb over -20º C to +70º C


Operating temperature +10~40℃

Operating humidity 40~90%RH(non-condensing)

Dimensions 19 inch rack mount

Control software

Windows OS

Ionospheric models



ionospheric gradient error editor

scintillation simulation

TEC depletion simulation

fault scenarios (FAA CAT-1 LAAS)

Tropospheric models




Miscellenious models

step, ramp, acceleration code and carrier errors

orbital parameters (true and broadcast)

navigation message parameters and bits

antenna pattern editor

multipath simulation

Dynamic user simulation

GNSS network simulation



GPS simulation

Read our articles on simulation:

GNSS Simulation: A User’s Guide to The Galaxy

GPS simulation

Testing Multi-GNSS Equipment: Systems, Simulators, and the Production Pyramid

GNSS Simulators: Everything You Always Wanted to Know But Were Afraid to Ask

GPS simulation